Rev. Preston Graham

Paradise Found! Learning to Live the Epic, Not the Lyrics | Rev. Preston Graham | Revelation 22:1-15 | 07.14.24
The Sunday Sermon | Our Singular Mission, Our Singular Strategy, Our Singular Trust | 5.29.22
The Sunday Sermon | Guards or Disciples? | Outdoor Worship | 4.17.22
The Sunday Sermon |  "Christ’s Preparation For Burial and False Pietism Exposed " | 4.10.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Rise of Culture to the Demise of Christ | 3.13.22
The Sunday Sermon | Many Are Called, Few Chosen | 3.6.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Grave Danger of Religiosity without Religion | 2.20.22
The Sunday Sermon | Temple Restoration, Then & Now | 1.30.22
The Sunday Sermon | Donkey or Warhorse? A Triumph Not Of This World  | 1.16.22
The Sunday Sermon | Desires Fulfilled: The Birth of Our Long Awaited Advocate | 12.26.21
The Sunday Sermon | Power and Mercy BOTH | 11.21.21
The Sunday Sermon | When Self-Reliance Condemns Us | 11.14.21
The Sunday Sermon | A Strange & Compelling Grace: Marriage, Divorce and Singleness | 10.10.21
The Sunday Sermon | Pastoral Calling: The Run for an Imperishable Wreath | 9.12.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Gospel Absurdity of Holding an Unforgiving Grudge | 9.05.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Christian Response to Injustice | 8.22.21
The Sunday Sermon | "The Esteemed Ones" : A Very Different Perspective in Light of Eternity | 8.01.21
The Sunday Sermon | A Tragic but Salvific Irony | 7.18.21
The Sunday Sermon | FAITH | 7.11.21
The Sunday Sermon | Imagining Pentecostal Power… Today? | 6.27.21
The Sunday Sermon | Ascension Applied | 6.20.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Good Shepherd | 6.06.21
The Sunday Sermon | Peter's Remarkable Declaration, Christ's Stunning Rebuke: The Problem with Counterfeit God's | 5.23.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Sacred, If Ironic, Endless Assembly | 5.16.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Destroyer of the "Gods" | 5.02.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Truly ONLY Unforgivable Sin | 3.14.21
The Sunday Sermon | When Forms Become Elements... A Sabbath Thing! | 3.7.21

Rev. Craig Luekens

Why Do We Preach? | 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 9.22.24
Why Do We Praise | Psalm 96 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 09.15.24
Why Do We Praise | Psalm 96 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 09.08.24
Be Silent and Watch! The Unstoppable and Salvific Grace of God | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 14:1-31
By Grace Alone: Terrifying Judgement and Our Only Hope for Salvation | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 12:29-51
You are What You Eat: Redemption and the Feast of Feasts | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 12:1-28
You've Been Warned: Darkness and the Grace of God | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 10: 21-11.10
There Will Be Blood: God’s Judgment and Our Only Hope | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 7: 14-25
That You May Know: Unconditional Grace and the Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 7: 1-13
"Tell Me Who You Loyal To: Pharaoh and the Destructive Evil of Idols | The Sunday Sermon| Exodus 5:1-23
Calling Moses, Facing Obstacles: The Revelation of the Lord and the Certainty of His Salvation | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 4:1-31
Holy & Loving: Encountering the Utterly Unique God | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 3:1-22
Trusting our Deliverer: The Ironic, Gracious, and Strong Salvation of God | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 2.1-25
Global Mission and the Book of Exodus: Finding Ourselves in God’s Story | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Exodus 1:1-7
Following those who Follow Christ: Humility and the Beauty of Church Government | The Sunday Sermon | 1 Peter 5:1-11 | 4.21.24
Living in the New Light of Easter: Faith, Suffering and Living Hope | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Peter 1:1-12 | 4.7.24
"Jesus Suffers our Injustice" | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Luke 22:66-23:25
"Are You Fighting the Right Battle? Following Jesus in the Armor of God" | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Craig Luekens | Ephesians 6:10-24 | 2.18.24
The Sunday Sermon | “Christ in Everything: Belonging to the Lord in All Our Spheres” | Ephesians 6: 1-9 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 2.11.24
The Sunday Sermon | “Christ in Everything: The Dramatic Beauty of a Christian Marriage ” | Ephesians 5:18-33 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 2.4.24
The Sunday Sermon | “From Old to New: Being Transformed into the People of God” | Ephesians 4:17-32 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 01.21.24
The Sunday Sermon | "Dare to be a Christian: Being Filled with the Love of Christ and All the Fullness of God" | Ephesians 3:14-21 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 01.07.24
The Sunday Sermon | “What Confident Faith Looks Like in the Time of Advent” | Psalm 85 | Rev. Craig Luekens | 12.24.23
The Sunday Sermon | For Whose Sake? Waiting and Suffering in the Time of Advent | Rev. Craig Luekens | Psalms 44:1-26 | 12.11.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Behold! We are Becoming the Holy Dwelling Place of God” | Rev. Craig Luekens | Ephesians 2: 11-18 | 12.3.23
The Sunday Sermon | "Killing Hostility: The New Peaceful Community in Christ" | Rev. Craig Luekens | Ephesians 2: 11-18 | 11.26.23
The Sunday Sermon | Do You Experience the Power of God? Prayer, the Church, and God’s Immeasurable Greatness | 11.12.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Look at All We Get! The Sealing of the Spirit and the Incredible Privileges of Our Inheritance in Christ | 11.5.23
The Sunday Sermon | In Christ: Forgiveness and Renewal of All Things | 10.1
The Sunday Sermon | “In Christ: Finding All of Our Lives in Jesus” | Rev. Craig Luekens | Ephesians 1:1-14
The Sunday Sermon | Abiding in Christ our Priest | Rev. Craig Luekens | 1 Corinthians 10: 14-22 | 10.4.23
The Sunday Sermon | Abiding in Christ our Prophet | Rev. Craig Luekens | 2 Timothy 1:1-14 | 9.24.23
The Sunday Sermon | The Identity of the Church: Being Missional and the Presence of Christ | Rev. Craig Luekens | Acts 2:22-47 | 9.17.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Wrestling with God in Turmoil and Confidence” | Rev. Craig Luekens | Psalm 143:1-121 | 8.27.23
The Sunday Sermon | Life in Jesus: Fighting (the Right!) Battles in Light of the Victory of God | 8.13.23
The Sunday Sermon | Life in Jesus: Ascending the Mountain of the Glorious Lord | 7.30.23
The Sunday Sermon | Following Jesus: Grace, Restoration, and Witness in a Distracted World | 7.23.23
The Sunday Sermon | Come Lord Jesus! Forgiveness, Peace, and the Mission of the Church | 7.16.23
The Sunday Sermon | The Old Has Ended. The New Has Begun. | 7.9.23
The Sunday Sermon | Jesus’ Burial: Finding Life in the Death of the King | 7.2.23
The Sunday Sermon | It is Finished. | 6.25.23
The Sunday Sermon | CPC at 30: Giving Thank's for God's House and the Immense Privilege of Sacrifice | 6.18.23
The Sunday Sermon | Jesus’ Kingdom is Not of This World: The Horrifying Consequences of Sin in the Face of the Lamb’s Immovable Mission | 6.04.23
The Sunday Sermon | "A Praying Savior? The Unique Glory of God and Eternal Life in Jesus” | 5.14.23
The Sunday Sermon | "A Praying Savior? The Unique Glory of God and Eternal Life in Jesus” | 5.07.23
The Sunday Sermon | “What Do You Expect? Sorrow, Joy, and the Coming of the Holy Spirit” | 4.23.23
The Sunday Sermon | What If It's True? Knowing the Power and Presence of Christ Now | 4.09.23
The Sunday Sermon | "Rejoice in the Spirit! The Continuing Power and Presence of Christ in Us"| 3.26.23
The Sunday Sermon | “What’s So New About The Love of Christ?” | 3.19.23
The Sunday Sermon | "The Lord of All, the Servant of All: Footwashing, and the New World in Jesus’ Kingdom" | 3.05.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Where Do We See the Glory of God?Judgment, Unbelief, and the Inverted Way to Be Lifted Up” | 2.26.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Do You Know the Good Shepherd? Trusting the Gracious, Life-giving, and Irrevocable Authority of the Son” | 1.29.23
The Sunday Sermon | "Coming to Terms with the Extraordinary Claims of Jesus and the Great I Am" | 1.8.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Finding the Freedom We All Seek” | 1.1.23
The Sunday Sermon | Behold! The Light of the World has Come! | 12.25.22
The Sunday Sermon | Has Jesus Quenched your Thirst? Encountering the Spirit and Glory of Christ | 12.11.22
The Sunday Sermon | Do We Oppose Jesus? Let Us Count the Ways! | 12.04.22
The Sunday Sermon | Taking Jesus Seriously: The Bold Yet Humble Claims of Christ | 11.06.22
The Sunday Sermon | The King Who Needs No Election | 11.13.22
The Sunday Sermon | Glory Unveiled: Encountering Jesus in Our Deepest Needs | 10.30.22
The Sunday Sermon | Joy & Humility: How Encountering Jesus Transforms Our Hearts and Minds | 10.16.22
The Sunday Sermon | Behold Our Temple! Confident Access and Forgiveness in the Person of Jesus | 10.2.22
The Sunday Sermon | A Wedding in Cana: Joy and Celebration with Christ Alone | 9.25.22
The Sunday Sermon | Fullness of Grace & Truth: The Incredible Revelation of God’s Glory Tabernacling Among Us In Jesus | 9.4.22
The Sunday Sermon | Where do you find life? God, Jesus, and the Light of the Whole World | 8.28.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Love of Christ and the Turning Point of the Whole World | 8.21.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Glories of Salvation and Our Immense Reasons for Thanks | 7.31.22
The Sunday Sermon | Wrathful Justice and Faithful Love: Jesus' Glorious Kingdom | 7.17.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Simple, though Not Easy, Will of God | 7.10.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Day of the Lord: Justice, Hope, and the Best Kind of Warning | 6.26.22
The Sunday Sermon | Seeking Real Comfort in a Hopeless World | 6.19.22
The Sunday Sermon | Establishing our Hearts: Joy, Love, and Holiness | 6.05.22
The Sunday Sermon | “Get Out of the Way! Sharing Ourselves, Sharing the Word” | 5.15.22
The Sunday Sermon | “Have You Been Shaped By the Power of the Gospel?” | 5.1.22
The Sunday Sermon |  "Nothing Now Can be the Same: Judgment, Repentance, and the Glory of God" | 4.3.22
The Sunday Sermon | Rejoice Not: Just Punishment & The Bad News of the Good News | 1.2.2022
The Sunday Sermon | Desires Fulfilled: The King Has Come (but not the one we wanted!) | 12.5.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Faithful Elder | 10.24.21
The Sunday Sermon | Integrity and the Magnificent Wonders of Returning to God | 10.17.21
The Sunday Sermon | The Surprising Gospel | 8.29.21
The Sunday Sermon | Living in the Light of the End | 7.25.21
The Sunday Sermon | Desperation and Confidence as We Wait for Redemption | 5.30.21
The Battle of Receiving the Kingdom | 4.25.21
The Sunday Sermon | Which Kingdom Do You Serve? | 4.11.21

Rev. Jerry Ornelas

Hearts Exposed at the Bitter Waters of Life | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Exodus 15:22-16:3
A Meal, Bones, Cloud & Fire: A Freedom Too Deep for Mere Words | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Exodus 13:1-22
The Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart & God’s Zeal To Deliver His People | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Exodus 9: 16-17, 27-28; 10:1-2, 27 | 7.07.24
Characteristics of a Hard Heart & The Grace That Saves Us From It | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Exodus 8:1-32 | 06.30.24
"Who is Yahweh?: The Gospel in Exodus" | Exodus 6:1-30 | Rev. Jerry Ornelas
Life In The Resurrection: He has Made Me His Own | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Philippians 3:7-16 | 4.14.24
"Jesus Suffers our Shame" | The Sunday Sermon | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Luke 22:47-65
The Sunday Sermon | “Love Saved Us, Love Will Change Us” | Ephesians 5:1-21 | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | 01.28.24
The Sunday Sermon | “The Church: The Mystery that Debunks All Myths" | Ephesians 3:1-13 | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | 12.31.23
The Sunday Sermon | "The Double-Sided Coin of Advent: Anguish and Assurance" | Psalm 13:1-6 | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | 12.17.23
The Sunday Sermon | Abiding in Christ our King | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Ephesians 4:1-16 | 10.8.23
The Sunday Sermon | "Where Are You, God?" | Rev. Jerry Ornelas | Psalm 42: 1-11
The Sunday Sermon | Jesus Before Pilate and the Irony of God | 6.11.23
The Sunday Sermon | “The Church: A Sacrament For the World” | 5.21.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Hated by the World, Helped by the Spirit” | 4.16.23
The Sunday Sermon | “What’s So New About The Love of Christ?” | 3.12.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Do You Know the Good Shepherd? Trusting the Gracious, Life-giving, and Irrevocable Authority of the Son” | 2.19.23
The Sunday Sermon | “Jesus: The Good Shepherd of Your Soul” | 1.22.23
The Sunday Sermon | Collusion, A Secret Affair & Shocking Absolution | 12.18.22
The Sunday Sermon | Bubble Gum That Never Loses Its Flavor & Man's Search for Satisfaction | 11.20.22
The Sunday Sermon | Wandering Into God's Jurisdiction | 10.23.22
The Sunday Sermon | Who is Jesus? | 9.11.22
The Sunday Sermon | Idleness & The Combustible Sins of the Heart Christ Desires to Diffuse | 8.14.22
The Sunday Sermon | A Dangerous Imposter, Evil Restrained, and A Fiery Savior | 7.24.22
The Sunday Sermon | What Now? Living Life in the Light of the Lord's Return | 7.03.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Church: The Story We Have Lost | 4.24.22
The Sunday Sermon | A Cow Even Chick-Fil-A Hates & The Gospel | 3.20.22
The Sunday Sermon | Desires Fulfilled: There is Hope in the Darkness | 11.28.21
The Sunday Sermon | Half-baked Religion and the Gospel | 10.31.21
The Sunday Sermon | Why Does the Land Mourn? | 9.19.21
The Sunday Sermon | Hosea's Message | 8.08.21
The Sunday Sermon | Cosmic Conflict & Earthly Toil | 7.4.21
The Sunday Sermon | A Sober and Durable Discipleship | 5.9.21

Rev. Jefferson Bennett

The Sunday Sermon | Who Ya Gonna Call? | 11.27.22
The Sunday Sermon | The Magic of Faith in a Snake on a Staff:Why the Love of God Placed His Son on a Tree | 10.9.22
The Sunday Sermon | Christ On Your Six: The Perfect, Patient, Prayer-Soaked Watch of the Lord Over His Bride and Her Mission | 8.7.22
The Sunday Sermon | Getting Our Hands Dirty to Get Our Hearts Clean: How the Christian Life, Individually and Communally, Ought to Walk Before God & the Watching World | 6.12.22
The Sunday Sermon | "God, Greed-ers, Leaders: Whose Glory Are You Living For?" | 5.8.22
The Sunday Sermon |  “Anger, Aweigh! Return to God, Receive His Love & Set Sail for His Country” | 3.27.22
The Sunday Sermon | I Got You: The Hell or High Water Love of an Altogether Different Kind of Father | 2.6.22
The Sunday Sermon | Comfort for the Discomforted | 12.19.21
The Sunday Sermon | You Reap What You Sow, Not What You Say: Why Hypocrites Cannot Escape Hell | 11.07.21
The Sunday Sermon | Stop, Drop & Roll Out: The Reckoning & Rescuing of Jesus Christ from a House on Fire | 9.26.21
The Sunday Sermon | From Dust to Daisies | 8.15.21
The Sunday Sermon | Walk by Faith & Not by Sight: Assurance in the Midst of Uncertainty | 6.13.21